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23 Years Old woman with diabetes and recording blood sugars three times daily since 2 years

This 23 years old woman except myalgia, ocassional cough, fever, and headache was completely alright before march 2015 when she started having loose motion and associated problems such as body pain, headache, skin problem. In 2016, except for loose motion and skin problem, her other symptoms were reduced. Her weight at birth was 1.2 Kg and until 12 years of age she was thin but after that she started gaining weight. She started loosing weight gradually before her first presentation at the opd as she was describing her weight used to be high. Currently being treated as type 1 with insulin since the last 1 and half years. She did tolerate oral hypoglycemics for the first 6 months though. Her mother also got diagnosed as type 2 around the same time (correction: not around the same time, but her mother developed diabetes shortly a few months after she (our current patient) was diagnosed with diabetes). and her control is worse and she doesn't monitor her sugars regularly either.

Her initial medical record can be accessed here:

She is recording her insulin dose and blood sugars three times daily since 2 years. 
Her medical reports are attached below:

Her HbA1C values since 2015 are: 
JUNE 2015  8.00
AUGUST 2015  7. 20
 NOVEMBER 2015  8. 10
FEBRUARY 2016  8. 0
MAY 2016  8.30
AUGUST 2016  8.7
 NOVEMBER  2016  8. 4
APRIL  2017  8.3
AUGUST 2017. 9.3
NOVEMBER 2017  9.8

WhatsApp discussion around pre-meal insulin dosing:


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