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Showing posts from November, 2018

Conversational learning around orlistat

Below are the early conversations around our orlistat project and our early conversational learning attempts to understand it's role in improving diabetes outcomes through its action on the glp1 pathway:  -  The incretin pathway as a new therapeutic target for obesity  Source:   1)What are the objectives of the study?   2) Can u share the summary the background literature reviewed of previous studies?    3)Is the permission from ethical committee taken??  4)Please, share the reference for the diet mentioned. And why is it only mentioned for breakfast?   5) Is multivitamin given to the patient along with this? (Usually, orlistat inhibits the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins so the multivitamin is to be given and this is for 12 weeks.  6) I see some gaps in the administration of orlistat.    Let's also discuss why is orlistat asked to take with the fat-containing meal? -  ht