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Showing posts from March, 2018

Precision Medicine Focus Group Discussion

2/10/18, 3:48 PM - DVP (Vivek): Thanks for making this group. 2/10/18, 3:53 PM - DVP (Vivek): This is valuable input Avinash for our current write up on precision Medicine. Should we make a separate whatsapp group for those who may like to contribute to the write up?  It may not be a review article only though and authorship for participants will depend on the quality and quantity of inputs (judged by the primary invited authors). Inputs can be in the form of problem statements  that show and illustrate the current imprecision medicine that exists through published or unpublished common but complex case scenarios followed by our own work and imaginings to address the problem statement

A patient becomes a medical student

I was a four-year-old kid when I was about to begin my first day of school. I was born and raised 20 kilometers away from the big city in a small rural area with minimal essential amenities — for example, schools, roads, and hospitals. Like all other kids, it was a momentous occasion for me to start my first day of school, and I remember how exciting it was. As I started to attend regular classes and enjoyed participating in different sports activity, I began to have shortness of breath with little exertion, cough and recurrent chest infections that only would decrease after taking antibiotics. My father took me to a local doctor who took detail history and examined me. After that, he told my father that he could hear an abnormal heart sound in my chest which may suggest a heart illness requiring further evaluation by a cardiologist. Although I was not able to understand what the doctor told my father, for the first time, I could see him anxious and realized that was

A women with SLE, and Cutaneous Lesions (applying ayurvedic medicines)

This is a HIPAA de-identified open-online-patient-record with initial information in patient's voice, posted here after collecting informed patient consent (form downloadable  Click Here)   by BMJ Elective Student.  A 40 years old female patient came with chief complaints of Pain in small joints in both upper limbs since 14 months. C/o rash on left malar area on face since 1 year C/O hair loss since 1 year C/O eye discharge since 15 days History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back after which she developed joint pains in MCP, PIP, DIP joints of both upper limbs.. not associated with swelling of joints. Two months later patient developed an erythematous rash on left malar and left side of nose associated with hair-loss since 1 year along with photosensitivity H/O scars and scalings on scalp along with hair-loss since 1 year The rash was initially erythematous involving malar and left nose which gradually progressed to right malar neck

81 Year Old Male with Interstitial Lung Disease

This is a HIPAA de-identified open-online-patient-record with initial information in patient's voice, posted here after collecting informed patient consent (form downloadable  Click Here)   by BMJ Elective Student.  CURRENT AGE : 81 Y/ MALE. Current concerns:  Coughing badly and having difficulty in exhaling. Initially the problem was breathing but after fluid removal , inhaling is fine. PRE MEDICAL HISTORY: ∗ HYPERTENSION ( Mild taking TELMA-20mg ONE DAILY) ∗ GRADE-2 PROSTATIC PROSTRATE ENLARGEMENT (Taking RAPILIF- One twice a week) ∗ RABILOC-20 - One daily for stomach Ulcer developed during this treatment. (explained chronologically) CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE: Medicine being taken: PIRFENEX- 200 ; To control Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which is a chronic fibrotic and inflammatory pulmonary disease. REPORT OF X-RAY FOR HEAVY COUGH COMPLAINT IN 2015 SUGGESTED HR CT SCAN TO COMPLETE DISGNOSIS DOC diagnosed INTERSTITIAL LUNG D