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11 Year Old Girl with right hip pain over a few months explained by a congenital scoliosis

This was a 11 year old girl who presented with right hip pain over the past few months. Her parents noticed that she was unable to straighten her right leg fully without pain while sitting up.

On examination
- her right hip was tilted downwards on inspection
- gait: normal (to our untrained eyes!)
- look: there was no sign of any swelling or redness
- feel: I did not compare the temperature of both joints
- move: flexion and extension reproduced the pain however no pain was felt on adduction, abduction, ext rot and int rot. As described in the history, she was unable to straighten her leg while sitting up however was able to do so with no pain when lying flat.

The X-ray hip (attached below) didn't reveal much. What next for her?

These are the recent spine Xrays and can her problem be explained by a congenital scoliosis and what may be done to correct it?

We saw this patient again this time in KIMs and as suspected the pathology was in the spine and if you see the previous X-ray of the spine that we got done here in IQ City in July (available in her record link above) that too was not revealing but if we see the X-ray that we got done today (shared separately above) then the diagnosis is clear

Discussions around this case: 



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