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A 33 Year Old lady (Ocimum Americanum L) with hypothyroid problem presenting with a leg pain and high TSH

Patient Name -- Ocimum Americanum L - 2 Age - 33 y Sex - F 

 Height- 4' 8'' Weight- 57 kg Waist 92 cm  Chest 102 cm 

 BP- 124/80 mm Hg Pulse- 69/min Fasting sugar 86 mg/dl 

Case story in patient's perspective:

1. I never had any problem during childhood.

2. My periods were started at the age of 12 and had no problem at that time. 

3. I got married at the age of 16 and gave birth to a child right after 2 years of marriage by normal delivery. 

4. I did abortion of three (3) fetuses, two by taking drugs and one through washing. 

5. In 2015, some of my relatives were telling that "you seems to be swelling and you should get a consulation from a doctor". I took their advice and went to visit a nerve doctor. Doctor asked to do a thyroid test which revealed TSH 10.6 (At 21.11.2016) and he (doctor) prescribed a thyroxine 50+12.5 mcg tablet before breakfast. 

6. After taking the medicine, the swellings were reduced but from last 27.08.2017 I have follwoing problems- 

           - Numbess and pain in the back of head.

           - Pain in the sole of feets after prolonged walking and when I am lying down     

              in the bed.

           - Can not hold my hands straight for a long time. 

           - Have mild pain/discomfort at the middle of the vertebral column. 

7. I have a problem of hyperacidity, can not sleep well at night, have less appetite, can not pass stool clearly, do pass urine but it is foul smelled. 



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