CDSS (conversational): A cardiology intervention (AICD or CRTD) backed by guidlines: Biased evidences
Disclaimer:- This is a HIPAA de-identified open-online-patient-record posted here after collecting informed patient consent (form downloadable Click Here) . This is a case of a 63-year-old gentleman who had undergone a balloon surgery in 1993 followed by coronary stenting in 2001 and CABG in 2009. Recently, he has been advised to implant AICD or CRTD. His list of medicines and previous reports and discharge summaries are attached below: Discharge summary after CABG in 2009: Coronary angiography in 2009: Coronary angiography in 2012: Echocardiography report in 2017: Below are the recent case story and recent reports few months after the intial tests in 2017 This patient again admitted to the hospital with the history of sudden onset abdominal pain (mainly in epigastric and periumbilical region) for 4-5 days, associated with mild chest pain and bloating sensation and diagnosed to have mild acute pancre