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A 60 year old gentleman developed worsening difficulty in walking after a motor bike accident (Ochna Squarrsal - 2)

Patient Name: Ochna Squarrsal- 2
Age- 61 years
Sex- M 
Height- 160 cm
Weight- 73 Kg
Chest- 96 cm
Waist- 99 cm
BP- 125/85 mm Hg
Random blood sugar-  152 mg/dl

Case story in patient's perspective: 

1. I had had no problem in childhood but when I was 8 years old a dog scratched me (no history of any vaccination). 

2. I had a chicken pox and paratyphoid in 1970 and in 1972, respectively. 

3. In 1981, I was experiencing a cough which remained till 1990 with occasionally getting relived after taking some medicines from a doctor. 

4. In 1990, I got a fever which lasted for about 20 days and after taking some medicines froma doctors it was subsided later on. 

5. Beginning from 1998 I was also having sciatica symptoms which persisted till 2005 and it was relived by taking some homeopathic medicines. 

6. In the second week of March 2017, I got a motor bike accident. Although no external injuries were evident at that time but some internal injury was seen in MRI of brain and later I started taking the medicine advised by a neurologist [Prescriptions with reports attached below]. 

 7. While continuing my treatment, 3 more medicines were added [prescription added]. 2 days after starting these 3 new medicines, I have started feeling certain physical problems and difficulty in walking. Although I am thinking that I am supposed to get treatment for my nerves but these are not the medicines given for nerve problem. 

8. I experience occasionally indigestion and difficulty in sleeping. I feel heaviness on my legs right after getting up from the bed in the morning associated with a difficulty in walking


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